Renewable Energy PPA: Thyssenkrupp Steel and RWE's Green Energy Milestone

published on 20 February 2024


In a groundbreaking move towards sustainable industry practices, Thyssenkrupp Steel and RWE have embarked on a journey to revolutionize steel production with green electricity. Their collaboration marks a significant stride towards achieving climate goals and underscores the importance of renewable energy in the transformation of traditional manufacturing sectors.

A Pioneering Green Electricity Supply Contract:

The partnership has culminated in the first green electricity supply contract to power a direct reduction plant in Duisburg, Germany. This plant, equipped with electrically powered melters, is set to receive 112 GWh of green electricity annually for a decade. The energy will be sourced from RWE's Nordsee Kaskasi offshore wind farm, located 35 kilometers off the coast of Heligoland, highlighting the vital role of offshore wind energy in industrial decarbonization.

The TkH2Steel Transformation Project:

This collaboration is a cornerstone of the tkH2Steel transformation project, aiming to produce climate-friendly primary steel. The direct reduction plant, capable of operating on 100% hydrogen, will produce sponge iron from iron ore. This iron will then be melted into hot metal using CO2-free electricity in two identical melters. With a capacity to produce 2.3 million metric tons of regenerative hot metal annually, this innovative approach is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 3.5 million metric tons each year, marking a significant leap towards sustainable and carbon-neutral steel production.

Building a Sustainable Industry Foundation:

The partnership between Thyssenkrupp Steel and RWE is more than just a contract; it's a foundational step in the company's energy strategy as part of the tkH2Steel project. By progressively increasing the demand for renewable electricity, Thyssenkrupp Steel is paving the way for carbon-neutral production. Dr. Arnd Köfler, Chief Technology Officer at Thyssenkrupp Steel, emphasizes the importance of renewable energy and regenerative hydrogen in their transformation strategy.

A Collaborative Effort for a Greener Future:

Ulf Kerstin, Chief Commercial Officer of RWE Supply & Trading, expresses enthusiasm for supporting Thyssenkrupp Steel in its decarbonization efforts. RWE's Growing Green investment campaign aims to expand its green electricity portfolio in Germany, contributing significantly to the success of the energy transition. With the development of the North Sea cluster, an additional 1.6 gigawatts of offshore wind power are expected in the coming years, further supporting the industry's shift towards sustainable energy sources.


The green electricity PPA between Thyssenkrupp Steel and RWE is a testament to the commitment of both companies to a sustainable and future-oriented energy supply in the industry. As we move forward, this collaboration serves as a beacon of hope and a model for other industries to follow in the pursuit of a greener and more sustainable future.

The above analysis is proprietary to Enerdatics’ energy analytics team, based on the current understanding of the available data. The information is subject to change and should not be taken to constitute professional advice or a recommendation.

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