Renewable Energy M&A: VINCI's Entry into the Nordic Solar Market through Helios Nordic Energy

published on 31 May 2024


Did you know that the Nordics could be leading the next solar energy revolution? The recent acquisition of Helios Nordic Energy by SunMind, a subsidiary of the French conglomerate VINCI, marks a significant milestone in the region's energy landscape. This blog will delve into the details of this transformative deal, exploring the implications for the solar industry in Sweden, Finland, and Norway, and what it means for global energy dynamics.

The Strategic Move: Helios Joins Forces with VINCI

Helios Nordic Energy, established in 2019 by Andreas Tunbjer, Magnus Rahm, and Johan Lundin, has rapidly become a beacon in the Nordic solar power sector. With the sale of all outstanding shares to SunMind, Helios not only gains a formidable ally but also enters a strategic partnership underpinning its future growth. This acquisition facilitates an accelerated development and operational scale-up, leveraging VINCI’s vast resources and network. Helios’s journey from a startup developing utility-scale solar projects to a key player with 1 GWp of sold solar PV projects showcases the strategic value they bring to VINCI.

Empowered by Partnership: The Future of Helios Under VINCI

The integration into VINCI’s network opens new avenues for Helios, enhancing its capabilities in project execution and investor trust. This partnership ensures the continuation of Helios's innovative projects across Sweden, Finland, and Norway, with an extensive pipeline that includes not only photovoltaic (PV) projects but also battery energy storage systems (BESS). With the backing of VINCI, Helios is set to strengthen its market position and further influence the Nordic energy mix, which is increasingly pivoting towards sustainable sources.

Implications and Future Outlook for the Nordic Solar Market

The acquisition of Helios by VINCI is not just a transaction; it’s a significant indicator of the shifting dynamics in the energy sector. This move is likely to catalyze further investments and technological advancements in the region’s solar energy capabilities. For businesses and investors, this presents new opportunities for engagement and investment in a growing market. The commitment shown by Helios and VINCI could inspire similar ventures, propelling the Nordic countries to the forefront of the global transition to renewable energy.


The acquisition of Helios Nordic Energy by VINCI is poised to reshape the landscape of renewable energy in the Nordics. As we watch this new chapter unfold, the potential for innovation and growth in the solar sector seems brighter than ever.

The above analysis is proprietary to Enerdatics’ energy analytics team, based on the current understanding of the available data. The information is subject to change and should not be taken to constitute professional advice or a recommendation.

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