Renewable Energy Finance: REC Limited's Groundbreaking Yen-Denominated Green Bonds Initiative

published on 18 January 2024


Did you know that REC Limited, a key player in India's energy sector, has ventured into a groundbreaking financial initiative? For the first time, an Indian PSU has issued Yen-denominated Green Bonds, marking a significant step in sustainable finance. This blog delves into the details of this pioneering move, exploring its implications for green energy and global finance.

A New Era in Green Financing:

REC Limited's foray into the Yen Green Bonds market is not just a financial maneuver but a strong statement in support of sustainable energy projects. The issuance of a $419.75 million (61.1 billion JPY) green bond with 5-year, 5.25-year, and 10-year bonds at competitive yields represents a strategic shift towards green initiatives. This move aligns with the global trend of prioritizing environmentally friendly projects, showcasing REC's commitment to supporting green energy infrastructure. It's a vivid example of how financial instruments can be aligned with environmental goals, setting a precedent for other corporations.

Impact and Global Reception:

The response to REC's Yen Green Bonds issuance has been overwhelmingly positive, with a balanced interest from both Japanese and international investors. This enthusiasm reflects the growing global priority towards sustainable investments. The transaction's success, marked by being the largest Euro-Yen and Yen-denominated issuance from South and South East Asia, underscores the international financial community's confidence in India's green initiatives. It also highlights the evolving landscape of international finance where sustainability is increasingly at the core.

Practical Implications and Future Prospects:

This strategic financial move by REC is more than just a transaction; it's a catalyst for future green projects. The funds raised will be channeled into eligible green projects, adhering to stringent guidelines. This not only bolsters REC's role in India's energy sector but also sets a benchmark for other corporations in the region. Looking ahead, this successful issuance could pave the way for more such green initiatives, encouraging other companies to explore sustainable financing options.


REC Limited's Yen Green Bonds issuance is a commendable step towards aligning financial strategies with environmental sustainability. It's a clear indication of the evolving global financial landscape where green initiatives are gaining momentum. Interested in learning more about sustainable finance and green energy? Explore our website for further insights and join the conversation about a cleaner, greener future.

The above analysis is proprietary to Enerdatics’ energy analytics team, based on the current understanding of the available data. The information is subject to change and should not be taken to constitute professional advice or a recommendation.

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