Renewable Energy PPA: Google's Giant Leap Towards Carbon Neutrality, Pioneering Offshore Wind Energy in Europe

published on 02 February 2024


In an era where the "energy crisis" has become a buzzword and climate change a global concern, Google is not just observing from the sidelines but actively participating in crafting a sustainable future. With the announcement of over 700 megawatts of clean energy capacity through new power purchase agreements, Google sets a new benchmark in renewable energy investments, particularly in offshore wind projects in The Netherlands. This move is not just a step but a giant leap towards achieving 24/7 carbon-free energy across Google's European operations, signaling a brighter, greener future for all.

Harnessing the Winds of Change

The heart of this transformative journey lies in The Netherlands, a country historically intertwined with windmills, now steering towards modern wind energy solutions. Google's commitment is showcased through its largest offshore wind projects to date, including significant agreements with Shell and Eneco for the Crosswind & Ecowende joint ventures. These projects, HKN V and HKW VI, are monumental not only in their scale but also in their impact, aiming to supply Google's Dutch data centers and offices with over 90% carbon-free energy by 2024. This initiative is a vivid example of how technology and tradition can merge to power the future sustainably.

A Pan-European Commitment to Clean Energy:

Google's ambition transcends Dutch borders, spreading across Europe with green energy deals in Italy, Poland, and Belgium. In Italy, Google's first long-term Power Purchase Agreement with ERG for an onshore wind energy project is set to significantly boost the carbon-free energy supply to its Italian operations. Meanwhile, in Poland, new agreements for solar energy generation with GoldenPeaks Capital will enhance Google's carbon-free energy profile. Belgium's strategy includes the development of new onshore wind farms, further contributing to Google's nearly 85% carbon-free energy operation in the country.

Towards a Greener Grid and a Sustainable Digital World:

Google's initiatives are part of a broader vision to decarbonize the world's electricity systems, crucial for running data centers and office campuses on 24/7 carbon-free energy by 2030. These efforts not only aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also to ensure that the digital world grows in harmony with our planet. By investing in renewable energy, Google is paving the way for a future where technology and sustainability go hand in hand, ensuring efficient and eco-friendly access to digital services.


Google's latest renewable energy investments highlight a critical path toward combating climate change and fostering a sustainable digital infrastructure. As we navigate through the challenges of energy crises and environmental degradation, it's initiatives like these that inspire hope and action. Let's engage in this vital conversation about renewable energy and sustainability. 

The above analysis is proprietary to Enerdatics’ energy analytics team, based on the current understanding of the available data. The information is subject to change and should not be taken to constitute professional advice or a recommendation.

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