Renewable Energy M&A: Eviny's Strategic Leap with Wind Farm Acquisitions From BlackRock in Norway

published on 17 January 2024


Did you know that renewable energy is not just a trend but a revolution? Today, Eviny steps into the limelight with its strategic acquisition of the Guleslettene and Tellenes wind farms, marking a significant leap in Western Norway's wind power industry. This blog will unveil how this acquisition aligns with Eviny’s long-term vision and its implications for the renewable energy sector.

Strategic Expansion in Renewable Energy:

A Historical Move: Eviny's acquisition is a strategic and industrial decision, intertwining with its existing hydropower production.

Boosting Regional Value: This move is crucial for Western Norway, ensuring that the benefits of critical infrastructure investments stay within regional and national boundaries.

Aligning with Climate Goals: The acquisition supports Norway’s push towards renewable energy, crucial for achieving climate goals and ensuring competitive energy prices for green industry transformation.

Wind Farms: Pioneering a Sustainable Future:

The Guleslettene and Tellenes wind farms are located in strategic areas with significant wind resources, these farms collectively produce energy equivalent to the consumption of around 75,000 households.

 Utilizing the latest turbine and control technology, these wind farms promise high operational stability and efficiency.

 The combined value of these wind farms is $588.64 million, reflecting their potential for long-term sustainable energy production.

Fostering Growth and Expertise in Wind Energy:

The acquisition sets the stage for further growth, primarily through developing new wind farms and collaborating with industrial partners.

Eviny aims to expand across various renewable technologies, focusing on land-based wind in cooperation with local communities.

This move is not just about energy; it's about fostering local expertise and creating jobs in onshore wind operations.


Eviny's acquisition of the Guleslettene and Tellenes wind farms is more than just a business transaction; it's a commitment to a sustainable future. As we embrace renewable energy, such ventures are vital for the industry's transformation and job creation.

The above analysis is proprietary to Enerdatics’ energy analytics team, based on the current understanding of the available data. The information is subject to change and should not be taken to constitute professional advice or a recommendation.

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