Renewable Energy Projects: Skeleton Creek Energy Center, Developed by NextEra Energy Pioneers a Sustainable Future in Enid, Oklahoma

published on 26 February 2024


In the heart of Enid, Oklahoma, a groundbreaking initiative is taking shape. The Skeleton Creek Energy Center, developed by NextEra Energy, is on a mission to harness the power of wind, solar, and battery energy storage systems to create a sustainable renewable energy source for the region. This blog delves into the innovative project that promises to redefine energy production in Garfield County.

A New Era of Wind Energy

The journey began in 2020 with the completion of the project's wind energy segment. Boasting the capacity to generate up to 250 megawatts, this wind farm can power an impressive 150,000 homes. This significant milestone marked the first step in Skeleton Creek's vision to provide a reliable and clean energy source to the local community.

Harnessing the Sun's Power

The next phase of the project is equally ambitious, focusing on solar energy and storage. With plans to generate up to 250 megawatts of local solar energy, Skeleton Creek aims to complement this with a 252-megawatt, four-hour battery storage system. Naomi Morrison, a spokesperson for the company, explains that this setup allows for the capture of sunlight through solar panels, which is then converted into electricity. The innovative aspect is the ability to store excess energy in batteries for later use, ensuring a continuous supply of renewable energy even when the sun isn't shining.

Impact on the Community and Environment

The solar and battery storage component of Skeleton Creek is expected to bring about $65 million in additional tax revenue to the area. Moreover, the construction phase is set to create up to 200 temporary jobs, providing a significant economic boost to Enid and its surrounding areas. Enid City Manager Jerald Gilbert highlights that this project is not only a continuation of the city's energy legacy but also aligns with its agricultural heritage, as the wind farms are situated on land that complements the local landscape.


The Skeleton Creek Energy Center represents a bold step forward in the pursuit of renewable energy in Oklahoma. With its innovative approach to combining wind, solar, and battery storage, the project is set to make a lasting impact on the community, the environment, and the future of sustainable energy. As construction progresses and the project nears completion, the residents of Enid can look forward to a cleaner, greener, and more energy-independent future. To stay updated on this exciting development and learn more about renewable energy initiatives, visit our website and join the conversation on sustainability.

The above analysis is proprietary to Enerdatics’ energy analytics team, based on the current understanding of the available data. The information is subject to change and should not be taken to constitute professional advice or a recommendation.

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